Parking and Traffic Information

Apr 27, 2023 | News

The PNA Parking and Traffic Information Sheet provides everything you need to know about parking and traffic conditions in and around the Matthews Netball Centre and Wembley Sports Park.

Ensure that you plan ahead and consider taking some time to read our information sheet. PNA will have traffic management personnel and parking attendants on duty during all match days. We ask that you cooperate with them to ensure the safety of everyone attending the venue.

If you are unable to find a parking space in the carparks surrounding the courts, there are plenty of legal parking options available which are provided in our Information Sheet. Please be considerate of local residents and obey local parking regulations.

Don’t waste your money on unnecessary parking infringements. There is no need to park illegally if you consult the Alternative Parking options outlined in the Information Sheet – all of which are a short walk to the courts. Local Council Rangers patrol the streets and we support them in issuing fines to people caught doing the wrong thing.