Call for Volunteers at Association Championships

by | May 22, 2015

PNA is proud to be hosting the Smarter than Smoking Association Championships next weekend but we need your help!

The Association Champs bring together players from all over Perth for a weekend of fun and friendly netball and the chance to showcase their skills. We are looking for volunteers to help support PNA in making this event a great success, and you can help your club’s fundraising efforts at the same time. Perth Netball Association will donate $100.00 to your club for every volunteer that donates 5 hours of their time. Volunteers are required in a number of areas; including the BBQ, Canteen & General Ground Staff. Please advise by 5pm, Tuesday 26th May if you wish to volunteer and the number of volunteers from your club. Download the flyer below to find out more or to get the word out to your team, club and friends.

Association Champs Volunteer Flyer